Black-box models

PhysiCOOL allows users to create a black-box model with three main components:

  • (i) A function that updates the PhysiCell configuration file with new input parameters values;

  • (ii) The PhysiCell model;

  • (iii) A function that reads the model outputs and computes the desired output metric.

These black-box models are modular in the sense that the users can select what functions to use to (i) update the configuration file and (ii) to process the results. For instance, users can decide to change the cells’ motility parameters and evaluate the effect on the distance traveled by cells over time. Alternatively, the cell cycling rates could be varied to analyze the evolution of the number of cells.

It is not essential that both (i) and (iii) are defined in the black-box. Likewise, users can also to create models composed only of the PhysiCell executable.

Running PhysiCell models by themselves

The PhysiCellBlackBox can be run with just a PhysiCell executable, for example, to run multiple simulations and save the results to a tmp folder. To do this, the user should define the number of replicates to be run and if the output files should be stored.

from physicool.optimization import PhysiCellBlackBox

my_model = PhysiCellBlackBox(project_name="project"), keep_files=True)

Configuration file updater functions

PhysiCellBlackBox can accept instances of the ParamUpdater class which read the XML file, update some numerical values and then write the new values to the file. PhysiCOOL offers some built-in parameter updater functions to make things easier for users. For instance, if users want to update the cell motility data, they can create a CellUpdater that reads the data from a given cell definition and, in this case, will use the update_motility_values function to update the motility values and write them to the file. Alternatively, users could choose other updater functions, such as update_volume_values.

from physicool.updaters import CellUpdater, update_motility_values

# Define motility parameters to be changed by update_motility_values
# (speed, persistence time and migration bias)
motility_updater = CellUpdater(config_path="output/PhysiCell_settings.xml",

Once the CellUpdater object is created, it can be passed to the PhysiCellBlackBox. Then, when we want to run our model with updated values, we should pass in a dictionary with the new values we want to test.

motility_params = {"speed": 5.0, "persistence_time": 20.0, "migration_bias": 0.5}

my_model = PhysiCellBlackBox(project_name="project", updater=motility_updater), number_of_replicates=1, keep_files=True)

Results processing functions

The results processing function should take in the path where the output files are stored and return either a NumPy array (e.g., the number of cells over time) or a float (e.g., the mean travelled distance by cells). In the example below, a processing function is defined to return the y-coordinates at a given time point.

from physicool.processing import get_number_of_cells

my_model = PhysiCellBlackBox(processor=get_number_of_cells,

number_of_cells =