Using third-party libraries

Too cool for PhysiCOOL? Don’t want to use our parameter sweep functions? We can still help you 😎

PhysiCellBlackBox will give you the black box you need to link pretty much any library you want to use to run parameter studies/calibration with PhysiCell through Python. The only thing you need to assure is that the input and output formats match!


Let’s say you like using psweep and want to use it to call PhysiCell. psweep will takes as input some parameter values, which will be used to build a search grid, and a function that will be run for each parameter set. It also returns an output metric for each cell of the parameter grid. Thus, a PhysiCellBlackBox instance can be used to create an interface between psweep and PhysiCell.

from physicool.optimization import PhysiCellBlackBox

# Create the black box model

def func(pset): 
    Runs the black box model with the values selected by psweep.
    metric =["bias"], pset["migration_bias"])
    return {'result': metric}

# Choose parameters
# (Creates a grid [["speed": 1.0, "bias": 0.2],
#                  ["speed": 1.0, "bias": 0.6]])
a = ps.plist('bias', [0.2, 0.6])
b = ps.plist('speed', [1.0])
params = ps.pgrid(a,b)

# Get a DataFrame with all the simulation results
# psweep will run func() with each pair of the params grid
df = ps.run_local(func, params)